I love asking this question to my family and friends. Whenever we gather or met after greeting each other the jackpot question will be 'what are you doing today?'. The immediate response will be 'nothing' or 'not much' stalking, sleeping, watching movies, youtube, footytube, eating, playing games and etc. How boring is that? That is so boring and lifeless. Blergh....
I read Stephen R. Covey's book entitled '7 habits of highly effective people' and joined Master PIES course. One of the habits is in the book and explain in Master PIES course is 'begin with the end in the mind'. Before I was aware of the significant of this issue, I was in the same state as others in heedlessness not knowing what to do and fill out my time with idle activity and live like I was a cattle or similar.
The question arrive next is what is the end for us as human being?
Is it obtaining wealth, power and married to a great partner? No! because afterwards we will leave everything and sleep in the grave. It is not our end.
Then is it death? No ! because according to the Holy Quran, old testament or even new testament or in general abrahamic religion there is a day of judgement beyond death. Mankind will be resurrected and God will judge all our deeds from the smallest deed even an atom deed will not bypass the Judgement from Him.
Is it the end though? Where is the end? We are not there yet. Afterwards to shorten the story that every person will truly encounter without any doubt, you will be permitted either the eternal fire or garden.
I read Stephen R. Covey's book entitled '7 habits of highly effective people' and joined Master PIES course. One of the habits is in the book and explain in Master PIES course is 'begin with the end in the mind'. Before I was aware of the significant of this issue, I was in the same state as others in heedlessness not knowing what to do and fill out my time with idle activity and live like I was a cattle or similar.
The question arrive next is what is the end for us as human being?
Is it obtaining wealth, power and married to a great partner? No! because afterwards we will leave everything and sleep in the grave. It is not our end.
Then is it death? No ! because according to the Holy Quran, old testament or even new testament or in general abrahamic religion there is a day of judgement beyond death. Mankind will be resurrected and God will judge all our deeds from the smallest deed even an atom deed will not bypass the Judgement from Him.
Is it the end though? Where is the end? We are not there yet. Afterwards to shorten the story that every person will truly encounter without any doubt, you will be permitted either the eternal fire or garden.
Then you will live there forever and ever to eternity.
.....The end......
So begin your day with end in your mind. Have you live up to the expectation of The one worthy of worship to have a good end? Or are you still doing nothing that could cause you to enter the fire?
'fail to plan means plan to fail'
The biggest problem will be HOW to live up to His expectation. We suppose to be eager to please Him as much as we can because there is nothing better than that.
My advise is sit around the scholars and righteous people. They have high understanding of the scripture and hadeeth and can help your way to the eternal garden insyaAllah. Learn as much as you can. No more excuses for God blessed us with internet.
Thank you for reading. Next time when a person ask you what are you doing today? Let the answer be 'I am pleasing Allah'.
Ahmad Nasiruddin Abd Razak
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