
Al-Maghrib Journey: Tafseer Surat Al-Kahf (Part 1)

A little tazkirah is the order of the day. I would like to write on this blog, and readers may notice that I have my own personal touch when writing. I like to write in first person. It makes my writing appear more personal and enables others to relate to it better. I am writing with hopes that readers can benefit a lot from my not-so-cool life stories and advice.

Many people who know me would notice that I am obsessed, so to speak, with seeking knowledge. Alhamdulillah, Allah grant me eagerness to learn and He enforces it by granting me capabilities to do it physically, financially, and emotionally. I love to travel to seek knowledge. traveling itself is fun and exiting for me. Traveling with great companions to gain beneficial knowledge is priceless. Hence, I would like to share with you the little things that I gained from the recent al-maghrib seminar that I went to, a seminar entitled tafseer surat al-kahf.

Before anything, I would like to tell you my motivation for this eagerness to learn and grow. Living in the US, I have been bombarded with reality, the bitter and the sweet. I have been pulled out of my 'comfort zone' and I was forced to grow mature really quickly. That's when I realized that subhanallah, I have very shallow understanding about the matters of the world, and the hereafter. When it comes to politics and economy, I am inferior. Simply because I don't have enough knowledge to stand the debate. Even when it comes to my religion, I am still weak at defending myself and my religion when I encounter people with ridiculous and rhetoric questions.

Knowledge is the key. I would not have submit myself to Allah if I have no knowledge of Allah. The shahadah that I say everyday is not just merely words. I say it with my knowledge and understanding of Islam, that I know that I am abide to the rules of Allah. This comes along with the prayers, fasting, charity, and so on. The shahadah is the key to paradise. and yet this key is incomplete without its teeth. Each tooth is significant and can't be defected. Else, it will not be able to open the lock. This key is a metaphor of our Shahadah. The Shadah will be incomplete without the rules and teachings that come along with it.

Knowledge is the key. Neglecting the spiritual aspect, people with knowledge will always be in the superior position than those without. To break the inferiority of the muslim communities in this world, all muslims should seek and gain knowledge to the level of that of the society. Muslims should also be actively involved in the world debate, be it about global warming, poverty rates, economics, capitalism, and so on. Muslim should not be absent in participation in discussion and act that shapes the world. But sadly, I was told that this is not the case. Muslim is always found absent in such discussions.

I write this to remind myself and fellow readers, not to be inferior. Not to remain silent and ignorant. I ask Allah to give us the strength to defend our religion. I ask Allah to grant us the correct understanding of Islam, and enforce us with eloquent speech. I ask Allah to remove the fear of people's judgments in our hearts. Verily I fear Allah and only Allah.

ya muqallibal qulub, thabbit qulubana 'ala diinik

Alia Farhana

ps: The good things are from Allah, and all the bads are from myself
pps: Part 2 will follow soon inshaAllah.
ppps: Please ignore my bad grammar.


  1. artikel yg mantap.."knowledge is the key"..betul2..aku rase ade ayat quran sebut psl knowldge and fear of allah..sape tahu?

  2. tq 4 sharing mkes me thinking..hmm

  3. قال الله تعالى : ( إِنَّمَا يَخْشَى اللَّهَ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ الْعُلَمَاءُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَزِيزٌ غَفُورٌ ) فاطر/28

  4. iya, intinya adalah pengetahuan...
